Angboomi Farmer Producer Company is established with the aim to working on the root cause of the problem and give the best possible solution to organizing it. The company is committed to uplifting the status of the Farmers as well as the Land by providing them 360 degree solutions of their problems at their own place. By creating a sustainable model for increasing health and wealth Angbhoomi works for Restructuring Rural India Together from SOIL to SOUL.

The BHKGS Model

The BHKGS Training-cum-Production Centres (TPCs) and Training Centres (TCs) aim to skill the beneficiaries by not only training them on how to use solar charkha (solar-power generated spinning wheel) but also on how to weave through solar looms, how they can purchase raw material, maintenance and develop a knack on the quality of finished product and sale. Therefore, skilling the women and youths and enabling them to transform into productive micro entrepreneurs, in their own premises.

Solar Charkhas :

An operational charkha run through mechanical source, to produce khadi, was never thought of. BHKGS innovated the idea by installing 60 Watt DC motors to the charkhas and connecting them with the solar panels, thus, making the best use of renewable source of energy. The climate of India is an added advantage. The back-up rechargable batteries are also set up at solar looms for the continuous production of Khadi.

Introducing the new technology, through the proposed project, is beneficial for thousands of artisans languishing in remote outposts; the locally available raw materials play a crucial role in the production process of Khadi.

Present Cost of Solar Charkha :

Project Cost of Solar Charkha (10 spindle): Rs. 80,000

Project Cost includes :

a) Rs. 40,000 capital expenditure
b) Rs. 40,000 working capital
Government subsidy on total cost : 35% of total amount i.e. Rs. 28,000
Client has to pay margin money of total project cost : 5% of 80,000 i.e. Rs. 4,000

In the entire Khadi value chain, one solar charkha provides 10 employment (from ginning to selling of finished product). The employment opportunity, thus, created through Solar Charkha Mission will create a sense of equality and acceptability among the villagers.

The Training-cum-Production Centres and Training Centres

With the idea of promoting rural employment among poor women and strengthening themselves on social and economic fronts, BHKGS decided to work on Khadi; the first project being in Khanwan, Nawada, one of the less developed districts in Bihar. A model, having Training-cum-Production Centre (TPC) at the block level and surrounding gram panchayats as the catchment areas, has been developed. The women will be skilled as well as trained at these TPCs. These centres skill housewives and youths in spinning, weaving and stitching. Whereas, the Training Centres or the TCs train women only in spinning and using the solar charkhas. Both the TPCs and TCs provide the skilled artisans with the backward and forward linkages.

The BHKGS’ model for skill-based training helps beneficiaries to learn how to operate and use solar charkhas and become self-employed. Moreover, the model not only trains beneficiaries in yarn production but also provides training on cloth production and dyeing, thereby, completing the production value chain. The Harit Khadi model is economically viable. Besides being a sustainable model, it is replicable too. The Training-cum-Production Centres and the Training Centres directly provide employment to the beneficiaries. BHKGS also provides backward and forward linkages for the cloth produced along with value addition to the cloth. This makes the programme sustainable in the long run and develops as a Khadi-Production Cluster.

Providing Backward and Forward Linkages

Backward linkage: Provision of raw material to the beneficiaries, ensuring quality of finished product, maintenance of solar charkha, technical support and guidance.

Forward linkages: Sale of finished products to open market as well as designated outlets of khadi and providing facilities to avail PMEGP loans and subsidy to transform trainee or housewives into productive micro-entrepreneur to uplift their livelihoods.

Social Security for Beneficiaries

Bhartiya Harit Khadi Gramodaya Sansthan aims at providing the various employment opportunities to the women and youths living in rural India. It also aims at strengthening a woman ‘s place in their respective families. By installing solar charkhas in their homes, the skilled artisans will get to work from the comfort of their home; through this they can easily work and earn as well as do their household chores. With the solar charkhas of 10 spindles, the skilled artisans can earn Rs 6000 to Rs. 9000 if they produce up to 38 kg of yarn in a month.

The BHKGS also promises to provide social security to the artisans with the Government schemes namely, PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, PM Suraksha Bima Yojana and Atal Pension Yojana. The PM Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana offers the coverage of death. Under this scheme only the nominees can accrue the benefits. The PM Suraksha Bima Yojana provides coverage for accidental or natural deaths. The Atal Pension Yojna is beneficial for the elderly as it provides the beneficiaries with the financial assistance in old age; the artisans will get pension between Rs 1000-Rs 5000 under this scheme.

Such an earning by the skilled artisans will strengthen roles in their families and will uplift their standard of living, thereby, contributing towards “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao”, an initiative that focuses on the girl child education.

Atmanirbhar Bharat