Angboomi Farmer Producer Company is established with the aim to working on the root cause of the problem and give the best possible solution to organizing it. The company is committed to uplifting the status of the Farmers as well as the Land by providing them 360 degree solutions of their problems at their own place. By creating a sustainable model for increasing health and wealth Angbhoomi works for Restructuring Rural India Together from SOIL to SOUL.
Journey Fellows
Angbhoomi Farmer Producer Company Ltd is established on November 2020 but the team members have engaged in same kind of businesses from a very long me. As Mathura and Sohaliya Goat Farm having journey of 20 years on ground and GANA is serving to society since 2007 Before the establishment of the company each team member of Angbhoomi was working in their own domain and working in a limited geographical area. As Angbhoomi FPC Ltd we decided to come forward and work collec vely so we can reach the maximum number of society and give our contribu on to the upli ment of rural India with our professional expertise.